If you find Tools Plus useful and continue to use it beyond the thirty (30) day free evaluation period, you are required to register (purchase) Tools Plus. Please see the “Evaluation License & Legal Info” document for details.
When you buy Tools Plus, you will receive these special benefits:
√ License to continue using Tools Plus after the thirty day
evaluation period has expired
√ The latest version of Tools Plus on a disk
√ Libraries that are more compact (when compiled) and
√ A printed 250-page User Manual -- It has pictures, illustrations,
programming tips, and an index that are not included in this
condensed documentation. The printed manual is also much
easier to use than a set of text files.
√ A floating palette WDEF that features a full color drag bar (just
like commercial applications)
√ Free PROMPT technical support
√ Free software updates
√ Major software upgrades at reduced prices
√ License to distribute the programs you create with Tools Plus
(royalty free, unlimited number of apps, unlimited copies)
Tools Plus for THINK C/C++, THINK Pascal and CodeWarrior Gold are available to students and faculty of academic institutions for $99 US each (plus shipping and handling).
The following restrictions apply:
(1) You cannot create commercial products with Tools Plus
(2) You can create shareware products providing that revenues
from all products you create with Tools Plus do not exceed
$3000 US.
(3) You must provide proof of academia when placing your order
We accept any of the following as proof of academia:
(1) legible copy of your student card (fax or photocopy)
(2) legible copy of your letter of acceptance (fax or photocopy)
You can obtain Tools Plus from Water’s Edge Software using any of the following methods:
Fill out the “Order Form” and mail it with your payment to:
Water’s Edge Software
2441 Lakeshore Road West
Box 70022
Oakville, Ontario
L6L 6M9
Use your credit card (VISA or American Express), and include all the information requested in the “Order Form”. Send a message to Water’s Edge Software at any of the following accounts:
Internet: WatersEdge@eWorld.com (preferred)
eWorld: WatersEdge
CompuServe: 73424,2507
NOTE: If you are using AppleLink or other e-mail system, you can likely send email to us through Internet. Please check your e-mail User Manual, or contact your e-mail Customer Service representative for information on sending email to Internet accounts. AppleLink users, for example, can reach us at:
Use your credit card (VISA or American Express), and include all the information requested in the “Order Form”. You can use the Tools Plus 24-hour order line at:
(416) 219-5628
Use your credit card (VISA or American Express), and fax a completed “Order Form” to:
Updates and major upgrades are available by disks through conventional mail.
We can also send you software updates electronically (by email). To be capable of receiving updates electronically from Water’s Edge Software, you must have the necessary email components and software as detailed below:
(1) You need an Email Account
--- eWorld ---
If you have an eWorld account, we can send you a compressed archive by way of a file enclosure in an eWorld Mail message. When receiving such an enclosure, you pay only for connect-time. A typical update will take less than five minutes with a 9600 bps modem, and a large one will take around 15 minutes.
--- CompuServe ---
If you have a CompuServe account, we can send you a compressed archive by way of a CompuServe file transfer. Effective September 15, 1995, you pay only for connect-time (not by volume transfered). A typical update will take less than five minutes with a 9600 bps modem, and a large one will take around 15 minutes.
You will receive a separate CompuServe Mail message describing the update so you can decide if you want to receive the large file or delete it without incurring charges for connect time while downloading.
--- Internet and Other Email Systems ---
Your email account must be capable of receiving large messages, often larger than 100K, and sometimes exceeding 1MB (or 1000K). Some email systems segment incoming mail into smaller chunks (usually of less than 32K) and require that the message be reassembled before it is decoded and decompressed. AOL and AppleLink are examples of such systems.
If you are running a “pure” Internet account (or have access to one), it may be as simple as using a different application for your email to prevent segmentation, such as Eudora (a shareware email app that can send and receive very large enclosures). Alternatively, you can ask your email administrator to increase the file size threshold at which enclosures become segmented.
(2) You need BinHex and decompression software
When sent by Internet, our updates are compressed by StuffIt Deluxe and encoded with BinHex 4.0 (to allow transmission on a text-only medium such as Internet).
You will need an application that can decode the BinHexed file and decompress it. An excellent application that does this is Aladdin System’s “StuffIt Expander.” The latest version is 3.0.7, and it is available as freeware from most bulletin boards.
When sent to CompuServe or eWorld accounts, our updates are compressed by StuffIt Deluxe (they are not BinHexed since CIS and eWorld allow enclosure of binary files). StuffIt Expander will do an excellent job at decompressing these archives.
You will become a registered user when you receive your Tools Plus Registered Developer package, which includes:
• the latest version of Tools Plus on a disk
• a printed Tools Plus User Manual
• a Software License for Registered Developers
You must abide by the terms and conditions of the Evaluation License until you received your Tools Plus Registered Developer package from Water’s Edge Software.